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Student Compliance


The Student Compliance team provides leadership and advising to the campus community on student's compliance with the University's COVID-19 policies and other student compliance issues.

Our office receives and processes reports of student non-compliance with COVID-related policies, ensure completion of student employment training requirements for student affairs, track new incoming student training and emergency contact completion, and offer consulting and advising to the greater UC San Diego community on the enforcement of such policies.

 We meet with students to resolve incidents of non-compliance and answer their questions about the student conduct process.

Additionally, we train and educate staff, faculty, and students about related student policies.

Student COVID Policies

To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone at our university, the UC-wide Vaccine Mandate requires students to either receive and upload their vaccination documentation to MyStudentChart or affirmatively decline COVID-19 vaccination each year. For more information, please visit Student Health Services- Health Requirements or please contact Student Health Services directly through MyStudentChart and send a Message to "Ask-a-Nurse". 

Please note that failure to comply with the mandate will result in an administrative hold being placed on your record, which will prevent you from enrolling in classes. Additionally, Student Health Services will enforce compliance with the Vaccine Program for COVID-19 and will escalate issues to the Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education as needed. 

To learn more about other COVID-19 policies and requirements applicable to students, including related resources, please visit COVID-19 Campus Resources and Guidelines. 

Emergency Contact Completion

All students, both new and continuing, are required to confirm or update their emergency contact information through the campus information system called MyTritonLink. In case of any risk or danger to the student or greater campus community, these emergency contacts will be notified. Students will be asked to designate an adult they would like UC San Diego to contact in case of an emergency. This adult could be a parent, sibling, relative, spouse, or any other adult who could be of assistance. 

Students will be prompted to enter or update their emergency contact information at the beginning of Spring 2024 and when accessing grades at the end of Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of each year. 

New Incoming Mandatory Student Training

 The University of California San Diego is committed to maintaining an environment in which all of us can thrive in a community that is free of harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.  Federal law and university policy also require that all new students receive education about sexual violence prevention.  

To facilitate this positive environment all incoming students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) are required to complete two mandatory online courses through the Vector Solutions Platform: Sexual Assault Prevention for Students and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Students.  

The Sexual Assault Prevention course will give you the tools to identify, prevent, and report sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training highlights the multiple identities that we all have with a focus on creating inclusive spaces for all of us through clear and compassionate communication. 

Students will receive a link to the courses via email with instructions on how to log in and complete the trainings. If you do not receive an invitation, are not able to log into the site using your single sign-on, or if you have questions about completing either of these trainings contact: 

Sexual Assault Prevention Training: Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination (OPHD) at 

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training: Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE)  at  

Thank you for your commitment to creating a more inclusive environment for all members of our campus community. 

Student Affairs- Student Employment Training Requirements

All new student employees are required to complete a number of general trainings. You can find the links to these trainings below or they can be searched via UC Learning Center. Alternatively, you can download the mobile app "SumTotal" to your mobile device to complete the trainings. However, not all courses available on the website are available on the mobile application. 

The following are the trainings that need to be completed: 

Please note that some courses are required only upon initial hire, while others are required annually. Completion of these courses is mandatory and must be completed using their work email. Review the list of Compliance and Required Training for more information.  

The completion of these trainings is crucial for fostering a positive, healthy, and supportive work environment at UC San Diego. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the UC Learning Center team at 

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we have listed answers to frequently asked questions about Student Compliance for students, and
other related information.

Incoming Student Training Requirements

Q: Who must complete the training?
A: All incoming students are required to complete two online training courses through Vector, an online
training platform, prior to enrolling in classes.

Q: What are the required training courses and how long will it take to complete?
A: They are titled “Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates/Graduates Students,” which will take
approximately 70-75 minutes and “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Students,” which will take
approximately 70 minutes.

Q: How do I access the required online training?
A: When logging into your UC San Diego email using your student credentials, there will be a
correspondence from Vector with instructions on how to complete it. You can also access your training by visiting the Vector web browser.

Q: Is there a deadline for completing the online training courses?
A: All undergraduates are required to complete both training courses by July 23, 2024. All incoming
graduate and professional students are required to complete both training courses by October 31, 2024.

Q: What happens if I don’t complete the courses?
A: Failure to complete both training courses will result in a hold on your account preventing you from
enrolling into classes for next quarter. 

Q: I have a hold on my account, when will it be removed?
A: Upon completion of both courses, please allow up to 24 hours (1 business day) for the hold to be
removed. If you have questions regarding the hold, please contact the Center for Student Accountability,
Growth, and Education’s Compliance team at or (858) 534-6225.

Q: I am having technical difficulties trying to access the training, what should I do?
A: Please ensure you are logged into your Student Systems (SSO) account. You can also restart your
browser and clear your cache. If you need additional assistance, please find information on common
issues, troubleshooting tips, and an option to submit a submit a support ticket, click here.

Q: I have questions regarding the program content, who should I contact?
A: For questions about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program content, please contact the
Center for Accountability, Growth, and Education’s Compliance team at or (858) 534-
6225. If you have questions about the Sexual Assault and Prevention program content, please contact
the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination at or (858) 534-8298.

Student Employee Training Requirements

Q: Who must complete the training?
A: All newly hired student employees are required to complete the mandatory online training modules
through the UC Learning Center, a web-based learning management system (LMS).

Q: What are the required online trainings?
A: These are the training courses that must be completed:
     • General Compliance Briefing: UC Ethical Values and Conduct
     • UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention
     • UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals
     • FERPA- Confidentiality of Student Records and Privacy Rights (This training is required for those
       with access to student records.)
     • Safety Orientation: Injury Illness Prevention
     • UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace
     • Clery Act (This training is required for Campus Security Authorities.)
     • CANRA- California Mandated Reporter (This training is required for mandated reporters.)
For more information visit: Compliance and Required Training

Q: How do I access the required online training?
A: You can access your required training by using your Business System credentials (work email) to log
onto the UC Learning Center website. Click the To Do List/Assigned Training icon. In addition to
accessing the training modules through the website, you have the option to download the mobile
application called "SumTotal" on your mobile devices to complete the trainings. However, not all courses
available on the website are available on the mobile application.

Q: What is the deadline for completing the online training?
A: Some training courses are required within 30 days of initial hire, while others are required annually.

Q: I accidentally completed the training using my Student Sytems credentials, what should I do?
A: Unfortunately, you must be logged into your Business Systems account to receive credit for

Q: What should I do once I complete all the required training?
A: Once complete, please provide a pdf of the certificate of completion to your supervisor.

Q: If I do not complete the training, what will happen?
A: The condition of your employment is contingent on the completion of these mandatory courses. Please complete these online courses within 30 days of your start date to prevent any potential delays to payroll.

Q: I am having technical difficulties trying to access the training, what should I do?
A: Please ensure you are logged into your Business Systems account, not your Student Systems
account. You can also restart your browser, ensure all pop-up blockers are disabled, or clear your cache.
If you need additional assistance, you can contact

Emergency Contact Information

Q: Who needs to input or update their emergency contact information?
A: All undergraduate and graduate students must input or update their emergency contact information.

Q: How do I input or update my emergency contact information?
A: Open the campus information system MyTritonLink ( Once logged in, proceed to the "Personal Tools" section and select "Addresses." From there, click on the tab labeled "Emergency
Contact." You will then have the option to choose between "Domestic" or "International." Input or update
your emergency contact information specifying the relationship, contact name, and phone number. Upon
completion, remember to save your changes.

Q: Who should I designate as my emergency contact?
A: You should designate an adult that could assist you in an emergency. Examples are a parent, sibling,
other relative, spouse, or other caregivers.

Q: When will the emergency contact be notified?
A: The emergency contact is contacted only in the case of risk/danger to the health and safety of the
student and/or greater campus community.

Q: How often do I have to update my emergency contact information?
A: Emergency contacts must be reviewed by students annually. Students are advised to update these
details when necessary and to record any changes to ensure the information is correct.


To review the policies and requirements currently applicable to students, including related resources,
please visit Student Compliance or COVID-19 Campus Resources and Guidelines.

If your question has not been addressed by the above FAQ, please feel free to contact us at (858) 534-
6225 or


Student Compliance

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Operating Hours:
Weekdays 8 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., except for university holidays