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Student Organization Case Status Summaries

The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE) works with the Center for Student Involvement and other campus partners on violations of University Standards of Conduct by Student Organizations. Together we maintain a list of the relevant cases addressed within the last seven years.

We provide this information because we believe students and other student organizations should be able to make informed choices when pursuing ways to get involved on campus.

Interfraternity Council

Kappa Sigma

Open cases:

  • The Center for Student Involvement received a report September 26, 2022 alleging that Kappa Sigma may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of hazing, underage possession and use of alcohol, and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on October 26, 2022, prohibiting all chapter-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. While the cease and desist is in place, the chapter and its members may not participate in any chapter programming including but not limited to, meetings, recruitment of any form, social events, brotherhood events, alumni events, philanthropy events, or any other activity that may be a chapter gathering or operation, including virtually.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Kappa Sigma accepted responsibility for PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.12 (Hazing), and PACAOS 102.18 (Alcohol). Accordingly, the following sanctions were assigned: 1) Practical Decision Making Assessment and Reflection workshop, 2) De-Registration until 2028, 3) Review new member education plans with CSI advisor and national organization before the start of the first recruitment process, no sooner than the Fall 2029 quarter, and 4) Host educational workshop for all chapter members covering hazing education and bystander intervention strategies.

Closed cases: None

Any member of the UCSD campus community may share information or report concerns about Kappa Sigma or its members for alleged violations of the University Standards of Conduct using the links below:

Lambda Chi Alpha

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on November 15, 2023 alleging that Lambda Chi Alpha may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of hazing and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Principal Members of Lambda Chi Alpha did not accept responsibility for PACAOS 102.02 (Non-Academic Dishonesty, PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.12 (Hazing) and the charges were dismissed.

Student Conduct Officers, Review Officers, or Community Standards Boards may dismiss alleged violation(s) of the Standards of Conduct when they determine a student organization is not responsible for alleged violation(s) by a preponderance of the evidence, or when they find insufficient information to conclude responsibility by a preponderance of the evidence.

Phi Gamma Delta

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center of Student Involvement and Office of Student Conduct received a report in November of 2019 that alleged that Phi Gamma Delta had engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of hazing, underage possession and use of alcohol, and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. However, after reviewing the report(s) and supporting documentation, it was determined there was not reasonable cause to support the organization may have violated the Standards of Conduct. The organization’s principle members met with Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor, Chloe Leal, and the organization was issued a Notice of Informal Warning for the allegation of Hazing.

The Notice of Informal Warning is educational in nature and designed to increase awareness of applicable University policies. Future reports of alleged Standards of Conduct violations may be resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting and Notices of Informal Warning may be taken into consideration when determining any applicable sanction(s).

Pi Kappa Alpha

Open cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on November 6, 2023 alleging that Pi Kappa Alpha may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations underage possession and use of alcohol and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on November 13, 2023 prohibiting all chapter-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Principal Members of Pi Kappa Alpha did not accept responsibility for PACAOS 102.02 (Non-Academic Dishonesty, PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.18 (Alcohol), and PACAOS 102.21 (Violation of Disciplinary Actions) The case was then addressed in a Student Conduct Review by the Community Standards Board, which found the organizations responsible for PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.18 (Alcohol), and PACAOS 102.21 (Violation of Disciplinary Actions).

Accordingly, the following sanctions were assigned: 1) De-registration until September 1, 2024, 2) Probation until 2027, 3) Limited operations for 1 academic year following period of de-registration, 4) Review of chapter risk management procedures with their National organization and Student Legal Services, 5) 2025 SFL Risk Management Panel attendance by all officers, 6) Alcohol eCHECK UP TO GO completed by all members, and 7) Practical Decision Making Assessment and Reflection Workshop completed by all principal members and executive board members.


  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on November 7, 2023 alleging that Pi Kappa Alpha may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of violations of the organization’s previous assigned sanctions. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Principal Members of Pi Kappa Alpha did not accept responsibility for PACAOS 102.02 (Non-Academic Dishonesty, PACAOS 102.16 (Failure to Comply/Obstruction), PACAOS 102.21 (Violation of Disciplinary Actions). The case was then addressed in a Student Conduct Review by the Community Standards Board, and the charges were dismissed.

Student Conduct Officers, Review Officers, or Community Standards Boards may dismiss alleged violation(s) of the Standards of Conduct when they determine a student organization is not responsible for alleged violation(s) by a preponderance of the evidence, or when they find insufficient information to conclude responsibility by a preponderance of the evidence.
  • The Office of Student Conduct (now SAGE) received information on October 13, 2022, with allegations that Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE) engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The allegation included conduct threatening the health and safety of students and hazing.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Pi Kappa Alpha accepted responsibility for PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.12 (Hazing).

Accordingly, the following sanctions were assigned: 1) Probation until Monday, September 22, 2025; 2) Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Recruitment Fall Quarter 2023; 3) Review new member education plans with CSI advisor and national organization before the start of the first recruitment process each academic year during the probation period and before any/each new member education process during the probation period; 4) Host educational workshop for all chapter members covering hazing education and bystander intervention strategies annually during the probation period; 5) Send hazing education email with reporting options to all members, pledges, and potential new members twice per academic year during the probation period; and 6) Practical Decision Making Assessment and Reflection workshop. Violations of the above sanctions may be cause for further student conduct action, which may include probation, suspension, or dismissal from the University.

Closed cases:

  • The Office of Student Conduct received information on February 17, 2023 pertaining to multiple incidents of student over-intoxication linked to social events held by a registered student organization. This information included allegations of underage possession and use of alcohol and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. However, after further review, it was determined that there was no reasonable cause that the Standards of Conduct were violated. The organization’s principal members met with Sorority & Fraternity Life staff and the organization was issued a Notice of Informal Warning for the allegations of Health and Safety and Alcohol violations.

 The Notice of Informal Warning is educational in nature and designed to increase awareness of applicable University policies. Future reports of alleged Standards of Conduct violations may be resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting and Notices of Informal Warning may be taken into consideration when determining any applicable sanction(s).

Sigma Chi

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • On May 30, 2019, it was reported to the University that Sigma Chi had engaged in ongoing conduct since Winter Quarter 2018 through Fall Quarter 2019 at various locations on and off campus involving conduct that compromised the health and well-being of others at Sigma Chi events. Specifically, the report alleged that there was a failure to adequately address health and safety issues, alcohol was provided to minors, attendees needed medical attention, sexually explicit material was distributed to members, and violations of the social host ordinance occurred.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, the organization accepted responsibility for the charges of: Alcohol, Violations of federal, state or local law, and Conduct threatening the health or safety of any person. Appropriate sanctions were assigned afterward and include: 1)De-Registration through June 30, 2022 with new member recruitment allowed to begin again in Winter Quarter 2023, 2)Probation for two years following their period of de-registration, during which the organization may not host events with alcohol,  3)Completion of sexual misconduct/consent training by all members with Sigma Chi Nationals, 4)Completion of the Practical Decision Making Workshop by principal members, 5)After the reinstatement of the first quarter of new member recruitment, all members must complete all educational sanctions required by nationals, 6)Upon re-registration all principal members must review National's risk management policies on events, alcohol, sexual assault prevention, and health and safety; Develop their organization's risk management plan specifically addressing these issues, email this plan to all new members, and present it at chapter meeting with all members active and new, 7)Host an educational workshop led by the principal members for all chapter members in Winter 2023 and Fall 2024 on personal liability and host liability regarding events, alcohol, bystander intervention, and Medical Amnesty Program (MAP), 8) Upon re-registration all members active and new, must participate in Greek 101 training (Now SFL 101: New Member Education Workshop), 9) Upon re-registration, the principal members are required to meet with their Sorority and Fraternity Life Advisor twice quarterly to provide a progress report on chapter activities, organizational plans and any challenges that may arise through Fall 2024, and 10) Completion of the Campus Alcohol Risk Reduction Seminar (CARRS) by current principal members.

If further issues of conduct that threatens the health and safety of others or other conduct violations occur prior to reinstatement or during the 4 years following re-instatement, the organization's sanctions will include a minimum de-registration for a period of no fewer than 4 additional years up to and including possible permanent revocation of student organization status.

During the Fall 2022 quarter, the University was notified by Sigma Chi Fraternity International Headquarters that the chapter had decided to close, effective May 2022. As such, the chapter is not a current UC San Diego Registered Student Organization.

Multicultural Greek Council

alpha Kappa Delta Phi

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • In March of 2018, it was reported to the Office of Student Conduct that alpha Kappa Delta Phi had violated the terms of their sanctions from a previous incident in 2015 by recruiting new members in Fall and Winter of 2016, and subsequently falsifying new member paperwork submitted to the Center for Student Involvement and to the National Organization. No principal members were available to address this incident.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi began a reorganization under the oversight of Nationals and the Center for Student Involvement in Fall Quarter of 2019.

Lambda Phi Epsilon

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center for Student Involvement received a report January 1, 2021 alleging that Lambda Phi Epsilon may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of hazing, underage possession and use of alcohol, and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on January 5, 2021 prohibiting all chapter-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. While the cease and desist is in place, the chapter and its members may not participate in any chapter programming including but not limited to, meetings, recruitment of any form, social events, brotherhood events, alumni events, philanthropy events, or any other activity that may be a chapter gathering or operation, including virtually.

After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Lambda Phi Epsilon accepted responsibility for violating the Student Conduct Procedures concerning Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety, Hazing, Controlled Substances, and Alcohol. Executive Director Trask determined the appropriate sanctions, including Permanent De-Registration from Registered Student Organization status, effective April 2022. This includes loss of all associated rights and privileges of Registered Student Organization status on a permanent basis, including but not limited to: ability to access University funding, ability to reserve spaces, and other resources. Lambda Phi Epsilon will not be eligible for any future registration as a Registered Student Organization at UC San Diego.

Sigma Alpha Zeta

Open cases:

  • On October 16, 2019, the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) received a report that Sigma Alpha Zeta (SAZ) previously engaged in recruitment, intake and new member education activities involving hazing and conduct threatening the health and safety of its members. OSC investigated the matter and found reasonable cause that the organization may have violated the University’s Standards of Conduct. After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), Emily Trask, the organization accepted responsibility for both allegations. Accordingly, sanctions were assigned and include: 1) Probation for 1 year, or suspension for 1 year should further violations occur; 2) Exclusion from recruitment, intake, and new member education activities until winter quarter 2022; 3) Review new member education plan for all new member activities in Winter 2022 and Spring 2022 with CSI and SAZ’s National Office, prior to their implementation; 4) All chapter members must complete an educational workshop on hazing and bystander intervention training; 5) SAZ’s chapter president, new member educator/outreach, and recruitment chair must meet with a CSI advisor monthly to track progress, ensure sanction completion and discuss various topics (e.g. health and safety, recruitment, new member retention, values, and reframing member accountability); 6) Chapter members must complete a 2-3 page reflection paper on what they've learned personally and organizationally regarding the health and safety of chapter members and changes to their new member education/intake process.

Closed cases: None

National Pan-Hellenic Council

There are no cases to report for National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations.

Other Registered Student Organizations

Alpha Phi Omega

Open cases:

  • On May 8, 2023, the Office of Student Conduct received a report of Alpha Phi Omega allegedly violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct pertaining to hazing. The organization’s principal members met with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask. The organization accepted responsibility for the charges of PACAOS 102.12 (Hazing).

Appropriate sanctions were assigned, including: 1) Probation until Friday, June 15, 2025, 2) Review of new member education plans with CSI advisor and national organization by Friday, September 29, 2023, 3) Host educational workshop for all chapter members covering hazing education and bystander intervention strategies by Friday, September 29, 2023, 4) Send a hazing education email that includes the website and anonymous hazing reporting email to all current and potential new members and cc your CSI advisor and your chapter advisor by Friday, September 29, 2023, and 5) Complete the PDMAR Workshop by Friday, September 29, 2023.

Closed cases: None

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APSA)

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on May 22, 2024 alleging that APSA may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of conduct threatening health or safety and disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of campus. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process.

After meeting with Diane LeGree, Dean of Student Affairs, APSA accepted responsibility for PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety). Accordingly, they were assigned a Reflection Paper and Practical Decision Making Assessment and Reflection workshop (PDMAR).

Circle K International

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • On July 25, 2020, the Office of Student Conduct received information alleging that members of Circle K International sold, consumed and purchased drugs from each other. Additionally, that the organization hosted parties off-campus involving alcohol and drugs. Typically incidents of this nature are resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting. However, after reviewing the report(s) and supporting documentation, it was determined there was not reasonable cause to support the organization may have violated the Standards of Conduct. Accordingly, the organization’s Principal Members met with Interim Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Liora Kian-Gutierrez and Community Service Program Manager and Student Organizations Advisor, Andy Hoffman, and the organization was issued a Notice of Informal Warning for the allegations of Controlled Substances and Health and Safety.

The Notice of Informal Warning is educational in nature and designed to increase awareness of applicable University policies. Future reports of alleged Standards of Conduct violations may be resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting and Notices of Informal Warning may be taken into consideration when determining any applicable sanction(s).

Dance Team

Open cases: 

  •  On May 1, 2024, the Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report of the Dance Team allegedly violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct pertaining to hazing. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on June 17, 2024, prohibiting all organization-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. A second Cease and Desist was issued on August 26, 2024. While this cease and desist order is in place, the organization and its 2023-2024 members are prohibited from engaging in organizational activity on the UC San Diego Campus or at University-Supported Activities including, but not limited to hosting and/or sponsoring events, conducting organizational meetings, and making space reservations. 

UCSD Recreation has issued a suspension notice for the 2024-2025 Dance Team and can be found: Dance Team ( This is an on-going investigation.

Closed cases: None

Delta Epsilon Mu

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • On January 11, 2019, Delta Epsilon Mu was reported for Hazing and Underage Drinking at a new member event party. After meeting with the Interim Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Liora Kian-Gutierrez, the organization accepted responsibility for the charges of Hazing, Alcohol, and Health & Safety. Accordingly, they were assigned Sanctions. Those sanctions include: 1) Probation until March 2020, 2) Review new member education plan with CSI Advisor and provide full membership roster, 3) Completion of CARRS by all chapter members, 4) Host an educational workshop for all chapter members on personal liability and host liability for events involving alcohol and hazing, in collaboration with Student Legal Services, 5) Host an educational workshop for all chapter members on bystander intervention with CARE at SARC, and 6) Completion of a Reflection Paper by all principal members discussing what they have learned about maintaining the health and safety of chapter members.

Delta Epsilon Mu has completed all of their assigned sanctions in the above case.

Delta Sigma Pi

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received information on May 3, 2024 pertaining to alleged hazing activities conducted by Delta Sigma Pi. However, after further review, it was determined that there was limited information to establish reasonable cause that the Standards of Conduct were violated. The organization was issued a Notice of Informal Warning for the allegations of violations of the University Standard of Conduct pertaining to Hazing.

The Notice of Informal Warning is educational in nature and designed to increase awareness of applicable University policies. Future reports of alleged Standards of Conduct violations may be resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting and Notices of Informal Warning may be taken into consideration when determining any applicable sanction(s).

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • On January 28, 2020, it was reported to the University that Eta Kappa Nu and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) had engaged in conduct that, if true, violated the Student Conduct Policy with respect to Non-Academic Dishonesty and Forgery/ Alteration/ Misuse. Specifically, the report alleged that Eta Kappa Nu used its student organization status to make a reservation on behalf of another organization, IEEE. The reservation was for space through University Centers. That reservation confirmation was altered to appear as if it belonged to IEEE, and was submitted to Associated Students as part of a funding application by IEEE. After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, the organization accepted responsibility for both allegations. Appropriate sanctions were assigned afterward and include: 1) Exclusion from University Center Reservations for 18 months or until September 2021, 2) Loss of A.S. Funding privileges effective between any current or pending applications/events, and through June 30, 2020, 3) Completion of the Practical Decision Making Workshop, 4) Completion of one Letter of Apology to University Centers, and one letter to Associated Students, as an organization, AND 5) If additional conduct policy violations occur during the 2 years following this issue, the organization's sanctions may include a minimum de-registration for a period of 1 or more years or revocation of University Centers space reservations privileges for up to 4 years.

HKN has completed all of their assigned, educational sanctions in the above case. HKN is excluded from University Center reservations through September 10, 2021. if additional violations occur within 2 years of this incident, or March 10, 2022, the organization's sanctions may include a minimum de-registration for a period of 1 or more years or revocation of University Centers space reservations privileges for up to 4 years.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • On January 28, 2020, it was reported to the University that Eta Kappa Nu and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) had engaged in conduct that, if true, violated the Student Conduct Policy with respect to Non-Academic Dishonesty and Forgery/ Alteration/ Misuse. Specifically, the report alleged that Eta Kappa Nu used its student organization status to make a reservation on behalf of another organization, IEEE. The reservation was for space through University Centers. That reservation confirmation was altered to appear as if it belonged to IEEE, and was submitted to Associated Students as part of a funding application by IEEE. After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, the organization accepted responsibility for both allegations. Appropriate sanctions were assigned afterward and include: 1) Exclusion from University Center Reservations for 18 months or until September 2021, 2) Loss of A.S. Funding privileges effective between any current or pending applications/events, and through June 30, 2020, 3) Completion of the Practical Decision Making Workshop, 4) Completion of one Letter of Apology to University Centers, and one letter to Associated Students, as an organization, AND 5) If additional conduct procedures violations occur during the 2 years following this issue, the organization's sanctions may include a minimum de-registration for a period of 1 or more years or revocation of University Centers space reservations privileges for up to 4 years.

IEEE has completed all of their assigned, educational sanctions in the above case. IEEE is excluded from University Center reservations through September 10, 2021. if additional violations occur within 2 years of this incident, or March 10, 2022, the organization's sanctions may include a minimum de-registration for a period of 1 or more years or revocation of University Centers space reservations privileges for up to 4 years.

Jewish Voices for Peace

Open cases: 

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on May 22, 2024 alleging that Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) may have engaged in behavior that is reasonably likely to lead to conduct threatening health or safety and disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of campus. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on June 5, 2024, prohibiting all organization-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. While this cease and desist order is in place, the organization and its members are prohibited from engaging in organizational activity on the UC San Diego Campus or at University-Supported Activities including, but not limited to hosting and/or sponsoring events, conducting organizational meetings, and making space reservations.

JVP has not attempted to register for the 2024-25 academic year, and their 2023-24 registration has expired. Accordingly, the university is holding alleged misconduct by JVP while a registered student organization in abeyance pending any attempt to re-register. Approval as a registered student organization will require the resolution of any pending conduct matters first.  

Closed cases: None

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx por Activismo (MEChA)

Open cases: 

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on May 22, 2024 alleging that MEChA may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of conduct threatening health or safety and disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of campus. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process.

Closed cases: None

Phi Delta Epsilon

Open cases: 

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received reports in November 2024 alleging that Phi Delta Epsilon have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations of hazing and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. The University issued an Interim Action on November 20, 2024, prohibiting all new member-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. While the Interim Action is in place, the organization and its members may not participate in any programming or evens including new members. This includes, but is not limited to, new member education meetings, recruitment of any form, social events with new members, or any other activity with new members or prospective new members, including virtually.

Closed cases: None

Students for Justice in Palestine

Open cases: 

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on May 1, 2024 alleging that Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) may have engaged in behavior that is reasonably likely to lead to conduct threatening health or safety and disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of campus. The University issued a Cease and Desist order on May 1, 2024, prohibiting all organization-related activities while it reviews and attempts to resolve these allegations. While this cease and desist order is in place, the organization and its members are prohibited from engaging in organizational activity on the UC San Diego Campus or at University-Supported Activities including, but not limited to hosting and/or sponsoring events, conducting organizational meetings, and making space reservations.
  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on May 22, 2024 alleging that SJP may have engaged in conduct threatening health or safety of any person and disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of campus. If true, the alleged conduct may violate the terms of the previously issued Cease and Desist.

SJP has not attempted to register for the 2024-25 academic year, and their 2023-24 registration has expired. Accordingly, the university is holding alleged misconduct by SJP while a registered student organization in abeyance pending any attempt to re-register. Approval as a registered student organization will require the resolution of any pending conduct matters first.  

Closed cases: None

Theta Tau

Open cases: None

Closed cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received information on November 3, 2023 pertaining to alleged hazing activities conducted by Theta Tau. However, after further review, it was determined that there was no reasonable cause that the Standards of Conduct were violated. The organization’s principal members met with Center for Student Involvement staff and the organization was issued a Notice of Informal Warning for the allegations of violations of the University Standard of Conduct pertaining to Hazing.

The Notice of Informal Warning is educational in nature and designed to increase awareness of applicable University policies. Future reports of alleged Standards of Conduct violations may be resolved through an Administrative Resolution meeting and Notices of Informal Warning may be taken into consideration when determining any applicable sanction(s).

Women in Business

Open cases:

  • On February 27, 2023, Women in Business was reported to the Office of Student Conduct for conduct violating the alcohol policies during an organization event held on campus. Additionally, it was alleged that the organization failed to comply with University directives and was dishonest in their communications with the University. On April 19, 2023, Women in Business met with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, the organization accepted responsibility for the charges of: PACAOS 102.02 (Non-Academic Dishonesty), PACAOS 102.16 (Failure to Comply/Obstruction), and PACAOS 102.18 (Alcohol). Appropriate sanctions were assigned, including: 1) Probation until Friday, April 25, 2025, 2) Loss of Privileges of hosting events with alcohol present until Saturday, December 16, 2023, and 3) Completion of the Practical Decision Making Assessment and Reflection.

Closed cases: None

Panhellenic Council


Pi Beta Phi

Open cases:

  • The Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education received a report on November 6, 2023 alleging that Pi Beta Phi may have engaged in activities violating the UC San Diego Standards of Conduct. The report includes allegations underage possession and use of alcohol and conduct threatening the health and safety of students. Per the Procedures, these alleged violations are being addressed by the Student Organization Conduct process. After meeting with the Executive Director of the Center for Student Involvement, Emily Trask, Principal Members of Pi Beta Phi did not accept responsibility for PACAOS 102.08 (Physical Abuse/Threats/Health and Safety), PACAOS 102.1 (Non-Academic Dishonesty), and PACAOS 102.18 (Alcohol) and the charges were dismissed.

Student Conduct Officers, Review Officers, or Community Standards Boards may dismiss alleged violation(s) of the Standards of Conduct when they determine a student organization is not responsible for alleged violation(s) by a preponderance of the evidence, or when they find insufficient information to conclude responsibility by a preponderance of the evidence.

 Closed cases: None