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Undergraduate Readmission Procedures After Dismissal for Academic or Non-Academic Misconduct


Section 105.06 of the University of California Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline (PACAOS-100) provides that when an undergraduate student is dismissed from the University of California because of student conduct violations, readmission to the University requires the specific approval of the Chancellor of the campus where a dismissed student has applied. Readmission after dismissal is rare and may be granted only under exceptional circumstances. The procedures below describe the steps taken when a former student (herein referred to as “Petitioner”), who has been dismissed from the University for academic or non-academic misconduct, petitions for readmission. It details the process for reviewing and evaluating readmission requests.

Note: if you were academically disqualified and not dismissed for academic or non-academic misconduct, please see instructions for a request to return.


Petitioners requesting readmission after being dismissed from the University for academic/non-academic misconduct must submit a Petition for Readmission to the Chancellor. A petition may be submitted no sooner than two calendar years from the original date of dismissal. The petition must state the specific reasons for requesting readmission and answer the following questions:
  1. Describe and explain the activities you have pursued since your dismissal. This may include, but is not limited to employment, education, and volunteer work. What have you learned from these experiences?
  2. What steps have you taken to address the circumstances that led to your dismissal from the University? This must be a sustained effort over a significant period of time. It may include, but is not limited to, counseling, treatment programs, and life experience.
  3. How will the steps you have taken help you to avoid the behavior(s) that led to your dismissal?
  4. What personal and professional goals have you formulated since your dismissal? Why is returning to the University of California, rather than another college or university, necessary to achieve these goals?
Submit a Petition for Readmission

The Chancellor will assign the Dean of Undergraduate Education and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs as the Chancellor’s designees to compile the petitioner’s complete student conduct record at the University (including academic and non-academic misconduct cases) as well as any other University records they deem relevant. The Chancellor’s designees will also consult with administrators they deem relevant (including, but not limited to, the Dean of Student Affairs in the petitioner’s undergraduate college) and may contact the petitioner to further clarify or add information to the petition. This information will be compiled so that the Chancellor can thoroughly evaluate the petitioner’s petition to be granted readmission. The compilation may consist of:

  1. The reason for dismissal; i. Academic and non-academic misconduct records ii. Academic Integrity and the Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE) will provide DUE & VCSA a 1-page summary of all conduct cases and incidents to accompany the complete records b.
  2. The Petition for Readmission form;
    1. The petitioner’s efforts and commitments (or lack thereof) to address the circumstances which led to dismissal; ii.
    2. Activities pursued during time away from the University and what the petitioner has learned from these experiences; iii.
    3. The petitioner’s demonstrated ability to return to the University as a positive, contributing community member; iv.
    4. The petitioner’s demonstrated commitment to not further violate University policies;
    5. v. Potential to contribute to campus-based academics, extracurricular activities, and/or research opportunities; vi.
    6. The degree to which attending UC San Diego is necessary to achieving personal and professional goals.
  3. Documentation provided by the petitioner to support the statement in the Petition for Readmission d. DUE and VCSA will provide a recommendation of decision for the Chancellor’s consideration. The Chancellor will make the final decision.

The Chancellor’s Designees will have 15 business days to submit documentation to the Chancellor. After reviewing the information compiled by the Chancellor’s designees, the Chancellor will, in their reasonable discretion, approve or deny the petition. In making this decision, the Chancellor will consider the totality of the information presented to determine if the information demonstrates exceptional circumstances to support readmission.

Petitioner will receive a decision in writing from the Chancellor within 30 business days of receipt of the petition. The notification will include a brief statement explaining the basis of the decision by the Chancellor, that the decision is final, and reference to the published website about the readmission process. Please note that any further correspondence will not be answered.
  1. If the petition is approved, the Chancellor may identify reasonable conditions that must be completed prior to or upon the petitioner’s attendance at UC San Diego.
    1. Conditions may entail placing the readmitted petitioner on disciplinary probation through graduation, as well as instituting educational measures and/or other protective measures related to the reasons for which the petitioner was dismissed. ii.
    2. The Chancellor’s Office may direct them to the appropriate resources, including, but not limited to, link to Registrar’s page on readmission, contact information for International Students & Programs Office (if petitioner is an international applicant), relevant Student Affairs Office, and appropriate Academic Advising office to assist the petitioner in their readmission process. iii.
    3. If a petitioner is readmitted, SAGE or Academic Integrity will provide the administration and oversight of petitioner completing all additional conditions.
  2. If the petition is denied, the petitioner may not submit another petition for at least three calendar years from the date of the written decision notifying the petitioner that their readmission petition was denied.
    1. Petitioner may submit a total of two petitions. After two petitions have been reviewed, no further Petitions for Readmission will be considered by the University of California, San Diego.

Effective Date

These procedures are effective as of September 28, 2023 and will remain in effect until updated or terminated by the Chancellor. These procedures will be reviewed every 3 (three) years.